The Middle Ages & Constitutional History of England by Henry Hallam


Hardcover. Condition: Very Good. 1880. A.C. Armstrong and Son.  Complete in Two Volumes.

Hallam described his work Middle Ages as a series of historical dissertations for the period from the 5th to the 15th century. The work consists of nine long chapters: the histories of France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and of the Greek and Saracenic empires, fill five chapters. Others deal with major institutional features of medieval society: the feudal system, the ecclesiastical system, and the political system of England. The last chapter sketches society, commerce, manners, and literature in the Middle Ages.

The Constitutional History of England (1827) took up the subject at the point at which it had been dropped in Middle Ages, namely the accession of Henry VII, and carried it down to the accession of George III. Hallam stopped here because he was unwilling to touch on issues of contemporary politics which seemed to him to run back through the whole period of the reign of George III, but this did not prevent him from being accused of bias