Atlas of the Universe by Br. Ernst and TJ. E. De Vries

1st Edition

Hardcover. Condition: Very Good, Dust Jacket:  Very Good. 1961. Nelson. 1st Edition. Illustrated.

Translated by DR Welsh, Edited by H.E. Butler. With a preface by H.A. Bruck.

In the early civilizations knowledge of the heavens was a professional secret. In our time the study of the Sun, Moon, planets, and constellations is no longer the science or the hobby of the few: it is a necessity for all who wish ot keep abreast of the rapid development of spae travel, following on the sucessful launching of the first artificial satellite in October 1957 and the publication in October 1959 of a photograph showing the hitherto inaccessible far side of the moon.

The Atlas of the Universe is more than a reliable guide to all that is new in astronomy and space travel. It is a sound basis for the deeper contemplation of Nature and of man's Place in the Universe.