Before anything, I just want to say that the amount of support I've had for this idea of Castle Books and Tea is astounding. Thank you everyone who reads this, who encourages me, whose already ordered from our online store.
Yesterday I attempted for the second time to navigate my way through preparing to launch a business via the incessant amount of endless needed forms. A great deal of forms I'd like to have acquired so that I can open up a physical location apparently need a physical location of the business to complete. Which, as Castle Books is still in a state of locational flux, shifting between the material realm and the dreamworld inhabited by Elder Gods, presents a small snag in the works. I did however manage to get registered for taxes in CT - so we have a state (And slowly narrowing down cities).
I have yet to be able to find the proper form for resale or the proper place to send it, but it took me hours yesterday of filling out and requisitioning other paperwork and trying to navigate our state's apparently more convenient online systems. We won't be able to add the tea side of our business until we have the resale certificate complete. There are hours at an end sometimes where I feel like I'm not making much progress, just going around in circles. And then - suddenly, a breakthrough! Which leads to more circles as I wait for other things to fall into place.
Needless to say, we're making progress. One step forward, a few spins around and then another step forward. Some day soon we'll be able to brake the cycle and say "We're here" "We exist in the brick and mortar world". For now, keep supporting us by buying from our online catalog. I've discovered I very much like adding items and taking care of inventory, so I do that to escape the stress of bureaucracy that inevitably hangs around the process of businesses.
Until next week when I post again, may you accomplish all you dream of and may you dream of marvelous things, indeed!

Gillette Castle - home of the famous Sherlock Holmes actor. Taken on a rainy day, it's possibly the most exciting castle to see in CT. (I would not say the only one, though perhaps the only one to have been lived in).
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